Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stereotype or Fact

When someone says “Cowgirl” or “Cowboy” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Most people would think of the hat and boots, which is the stereotypical view of someone from the country. You don’t have to be from the south to be a cowgirl or cowboy. You don’t even need to have the boots and hat. All you need is the love for the agriculture side of this world and enjoy the small things in life, like the smell of hay when you are stacking it in a barn. A cowboy is not just a man that rides bulls and broncs. They are the people that get us our meat that we eat every day. They are the ones who mend the fences that keep the livestock in that we use in products every day. There is so much more to a cowboy or cowgirl or even a country boy/girl, that people do not realize what all they really give us. What do you guys think??? What comes to your mind when you hear this? Is this a stereotype or is it fact?

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