Monday, January 23, 2012

My friend Jess!

One of my good friends and old coworkers Jessica Marlewski is a great example of a city girl gone country. She grew up in the city and then moved out to the country with her family. She has had a horse all of her life, but decided to get her own horse approximately six years ago. His name is Fabio and he is a Tennessee Walking Horse. She loves that horse more than anything else. She is very passionate about her horse and their training. She goes all over Illinois and a few other states, showing him in several different types of riding. The types of riding are called disciplines. She rides western, English, Saddle seat, and bareback. Yes, bareback is a discipline. It is where the rider does not use a saddle and all it is, is you, the horse, and maybe a bridle but most riders like to use just a halter if their horse is trained well enough. She also has a dressage background which is also called ballet on horseback. While riding dressage, you perform a pattern in an arena all by yourself and get judged.
With her showing abilities, she shows at Tennessee Walker Versatility shows, Spotted Paint shows, and Horse Fairs. Her favorite things to do though are poles and trail rides. Poles are where you run the horse and bend the horse around poles as fast as you and the horse can. She loves poles because there is nothing better to her than her and her horse racing around poles with controlled power. It is such an adrenaline rush. When you want more of a slower paced and relaxing ride though, trails are the best medicine. “It is so relaxing and you can go with your friends and have a great time,” says Jess.
Jess would recommend any type of horseback riding for anyone. Jess says, “Horses have their own personality just like people, and once you find the perfect one, they become your best friend that will always be there for you when you need them the most.”

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