Monday, January 30, 2012

Hunting with Stef

Hunting is an awesome sport. Stefani Soehn is a hunting enthusiast. Her favorite things to do are to ride her horse Tucker and go hunting. Well you could probably add seeing her boyfriend to that list but that is rather irrelevant. She mainly hunts with a bow but she has recently started doing a little hunting with guns. She loves that fact of getting up early and trying your best to cover your yawns while searching for a deer. “It is a great way to spend time with your friends or family without having to actually be around them. It is not the smartest thing to be sitting close to someone when you’re hunting.” Hunting is a way to relax and appreciate nature. It is such a natural thing to do because the population of deer and other animals that are hunted just keeps growing. If they over populate, then there will be other problems which in turn could harm nature as well as us. “Hunting is like a getaway for me. It helps you relax and just think or concentrate on something other than what is waiting for you once you leave your stand.” Deer meat is actually really good. If prepared right, it is not that greasy and makes good jerky. “I process my own meat. I have everything I need to do everything except mount a head or chest, which if I want it, I would have to send it to be done. When you do it all yourself, you know what is going in the meat, how it is being treated, and can add your own special kind of spices if you want.” Bow hunting will always be Stefani’s favorite way of hunting but when she really needs a day of fun, she will put down the bow and just go for a ride through her property with her horse Tucker and just have some good old fashion fun. “You got to love those times of just you and horse and nothing else in the world will really matter anymore until you pack up the trailer and head back. Then it is time to grab that bow again and do more stuff that I love.”

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